Weisbach Triangle : When transferring ground level azimuth U/G by suspensions of two wires down a shaft. It is difficult to set up the theodolite exactly in line with them. In addition one wire being nearer obscures. The wire beyond leading to an inaccurate bisection. In weisbach method the theodolite is set up slightly out of line forming a small triangle with the two wires. This triangle is known as weisbach triangle & the azimuth of the line joining the two wires is found by solution of the triangle of formed. .α is obtained form the triangle W1 TW1 by the sine rule α sin β sin α= ----------------- e = c.sinα b In a weisbach triangle W2 TW1 called the weisbach angle β & the ratio c/b must be very small for which the theodolite station (T) should be very near to the wire (W1). If the weisbach angle is less than 25 minutes. There is no necessary of measuring sides. The angle should be measured very...